WS42: FOSS4G routing with pgRouting
Trainers: Daniel Kastl (Georepublic), Vicky Vergara (Georepublic)
Schedule: Tuesday Noon 14-18
Places: 20
pgRouting adds routing functionality to PostGIS. This introductory workshop will show you how. It gives a practical example of how to use pgRouting with OpenStreetMap data. It explains the steps to prepare the data, make routing queries, assign costs, write a custom ‘plpgsql’ function and use OpenLayers to show your route in a web-mapping application.
Navigation for road networks requires complex routing algorithms that support turn restrictions and even time-dependent attributes. pgRouting is an extendable open-source library that provides a variety of tools for shortest path search as extension of PostgreSQL and PostGIS. The workshop will explain about shortest path search with pgRouting in real road networks and how the data structure is important to get faster results. Also you will learn about difficulties and limitations of pgRouting.
We listened to the student's feedback of the last years and want to guide you through the basic steps to build a simple browser application. Our goal is to make this as easy as possible, and show that it’s not difficult to integrate with various FOSS4G tools.
Tags: OpenLayers, PostgreSQL, pgRouting, PostGIS, openstreetmap
Additional Information:
Workshop level: intermediate - Attendee’s previous knowledge: SQL (PostgreSQL, PostGIS), Javascript, HTML *
The pgRouting Workshop has been updated every year since FOSS4G 2009. For 2016 we are planning a major rewrite to keep up with the new pgRouting releases.